Category Keycaps

KAP Legend System™

This article was authored by KAP collaborative designer kapowaz and referenced from the  KAP Legend System to this website. Designers’ Guide The KAP Legend System is a versatile and modern set of keycap legends in the cylindrical ‘Cherry’ keycap profile…

KCH Keycap Design and Information

KCH Profile Photo

We have developed keycaps with different materials and processes for the Cherry profile, and we have named these product lines KCH and KAP. KCH It includes molds for both PBT and ABS materials: PBT(2020)   ABS(2017) Information Aggregation If you…

KAT Profile Design and Information

KAT Profile Photo

In November 2016, we began developing a new keycap height called KAT (Keyreative All Touch). Ergonomics After analyzing Cherry and SA heights, we refined the KAT height through multiple modeling and prototyping efforts. Features a spherical keycap appearance Inclined distribution…

Design and Information of KAM Profile Keycaps

KAM Profile Photo

Template and Model Downloads KAM profile keycaps are a uniform profile designed by Keyreative starting in February 2018, offering strong compatibility for keyboards with special layouts.This profile evolved from the R2 row of Keyreative’s KAT design. At the time of…

A complete design

Keyreative keycaps

Everyone can leave your comments. 1.Keycaps Design Selection of profile and process KAT (AI / PDF) KAM (AI / PDF) CHERRY (AI / PDF) 2.Layout 3.Render Images (Thanks for ImperfectLink) 4.Photograph Take real photos using keycap samples, this will be…

To design a new keycap profile……

Signal Test ABS Cherry Profile Keycaps

One needs to have sufficient understanding of keycap products and use CAD or other 3D modeling software. (ChatGPT can offer you many suggestions.) You can refer to the following models for design: KAT-3Dtemplates-124.stp KAM-3Dtemplates-124.stp CHERRY-3Dtemplates-124.stp Once your…

Dye-sub Design Guidelines & Manual

Keyreative keycaps

Thank you for reading this note carefully. Following the instructions can reduce a lot of communication costs and avoid the miscommunications and misunderstandings between design and production. 1.Clarity and Details You can place the keycap on the screen as a…

If you want to make a design for the keycap

Usually we use Adoble Illustrator vector graphics software, the 2D templates used can be obtained from KAT dye-sub template KAT doubleshot template KAM dye-sub template KAM doubleshot template CHERRY template …
